You might ask, how am I Robbing Myself? Well where do I start, Lets talk about Robbing yourself of Money to start with. You are robbing yourself of money because you constantly buy things you don’t need.
Mens Financial advice brought to you by Ladvice. Our lads advice in this article goes into how you are robbing yourself of financial freedom and causing yourself stress by having the wrong spending habits.
Cost of Your Desires
People buy things based on their desires. People will come up with so many reasons to convince themselves why they should buy something, but in reality, you’re only fooling yourself. By buying all these things your robbing yourself of financial freedom, you will never be able to save money or invest money for your future.
You’re Robbing Yourself of Financial Freedom
So many people in the world are spending money they don’t have or spending more money than they need to on things they don’t need.
This is exactly what brands and banks want you to do, it takes money from your pocket and puts it into their bank accounts. Marketing campaigns a specifically designed to trigger people’s desires. Thus, resulting in more people buying them. Another thing that can trigger people’s desires is envy and jealousy. The “Keeping up with the Jones’” which is now even more dominant in the world of social media because now you’re not only trying to keep up with friends, family and neighbours. You’re trying to live up to the expectations of society and have all the latest trends.
How You Spend Money Vs How You Should Spend Money:
Bad spending Habits Robbing you of future Financial Freedom

Good spending Habits providing you of future Financial Freedom

Your current spending habits are robbing yourself of financial freedom and causing yourself excess stress, worrying about high bills and repaying loans.
Our Ladvice, mens advice on this topic is not saying to spend no money, have no desires and don’t enjoy yourself. Our Lads advice is to be aware of what you are spending and how by spending money on unnecessary items your robbing yourself of future possibilities and financial freedom.
By doing this, in the long run you will have the ability to pay for your desires and enjoy spending money on desires without the extra stress and empty bank account.