Daily Calorie Intake Advice
Calorie Intake

Daily Calorie Intake Advice

There are multiple factors which affect the number of calories you should consumer per day. For example, Your Age Your Height, Your Weight, and Your lifestyle. In addition to this your target weight or body image will also impact your required Calorie Intake.

Generally, a man needs to consume approx. 2500kcal per day to maintain his weight.

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Base your calorie intake on your fitness target. Are you looking to lose weight, gain weight or maintain your current weight? We can look at it quite simply.

If you wish to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit (Consume less calories than your maintenance calorie level).

If you wish to gain weight you need to be in a calorie surplus (Consume more calories than your maintenance level).

 If you wish to maintain your weight, you should consume the recommended daily calories.

Reading this article about Daily Calorie Intake Advice was a good start. BUT its not that simple. There are Good Calories and Bad Calories. Read more about these in another Article! Check out our Nutrition Advice